Hello! I'm Amy Preci

I am a web developer, helper, and creator in Portland, Oregon

My Portfolio

smart shopping list app

Smart Shopping List
React Application

A web application that automatically predicts when it's time to stock up based on previous buying behavior. This was an Agile team project with The Collab Lab. It employs React, Material-UI, and Firebase.

Visit my GitHub page for more of my favorite React projects.

super sticky notes app

Super Sticky Notes
React Application

This handy web-based app allows the user to create, edit, and search custom notes. It was built using Javascript/JSX and React.

More React projects here.

lolcat clock

Accelerate Website
Customized WordPress Website

This is a multi-page, responsive, and dynamic website for a fictional marketing company. This site was built by creating custom templates in WordPress using HTML, CSS, and PHP.

guess the word thumbnail

Guess The Word Game
HTML5, CSS, & Javascript Website

This is an interactive game that prompts you to guess a random word. It is designed to be fully responsive and can be played on a mobile phone. Built with vanilla Javascript.

javascript election map

Election Map
HTML5, CSS & Javascript Website

An interactive election map using Javascript and open API integration. Scroll over the states to see who won and by how many votes!

About Me


I am a front-end web developer.
I think technology can enrich the human experience.

I have a varied background in web development, copyediting for digital media, and communication sciences. My love of digital technology cuts across all my professional experiences. I fully believe its power can be harnessed to better connect, express, educate, and do good in the world.

Can't wait to work with you!

Let's Connect

Hire me

[email protected]

Meet me

Portland, OR
Let's go to meetups together!